The Dandelion House Interior Styling

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Sunday, 30 September 2012

Is there a difference?

The worn wooden planks look...

The loft apartment look.....

The forest look....

The mountains look.....

The Hilda Ogden's living room look....
So the newest most fashionable (and rather expensive) wallpaper in all it's new glory....or is it? x

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Hydrangea love...

Tis the season of the Hydrangea.

When I see them my first thought is..'granny'...which I love!  My second thought is how amazing they are that they change colour,  often all by themselves...a big ball of flowers that drift through a wardrobe of dreamlike pigments,  what's not to love?  and then, when they have been cut and dried,  they take on an especially beautifully faded, romantic feel...

I read somewhere that they are Madonna's least favourite flower...well,  I think she is missing something special.  x

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Our Summer...

We have had a busy Dandelion Summer and these are some pics of the work we did refurbishing an attic flat in Hampstead London.
 The space had some furniture left that we needed to incorporate into our design but the kitchen and bathroom had to be completely refurbished....Many of the hottest days of this Summer where spent climbing the many, many winding stairs,  sweating and covered in sawdust and paint up here!  x

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Many moons ago......

Once upon a time I was part of this band.  Moons have passed and other lives have begun since then but happily one of of my closest friends is still creating beautiful music in this ever changing group of women.  They are called the Mediaeval Baebes and this is a sneak preview of one of the most recent stylings from the Dandelion House, along with another dear friend and ex band member Nicole Frobusch.  The shoot is for their soon to be released album The Huntress. x