The Dandelion House Interior Styling

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Thursday, 7 February 2013

Monday, 4 February 2013

The creative space...x

I used to have a little studio in a house and go to work in a huge, old workshop space in north London.  These days I work from my dining table,  which is totally ample and fine...but..I was just having a little art space fantasy moment...and frankly YES to ANY of the above! x

Friday, 1 February 2013

The new white....

No longer  associated with rebellious teenage bedrooms, black and Charcoal grey walls have become the option for modern chic.

Front doors, gates, fences, kitchen walls, lounge walls and children's bedrooms are now very much in vogue if you have chosen to add a deep grey paint.

 'Blackboard' walls are great in kids rooms and for the hallway/kitchen for everyone to write lists, thoughts, poems and pictures in lovely chalks that can be changed and added to by everyone who passes by.

Years and years ago when  I first moved to North London, I lived in a shared house that was painted completely grey from top to bottom..mid-grey...this was not nice.  The fact that it was wood chip wallpaper that was painted grey made it even worse and we were not allowed to change it.  So we set about hanging LOTS of things up all over to try and break the dullness,  everything from giant communal paintings, large indian wall hangings, to sheets of smooth tin foil that rattled when you moved past them....Not very elegant but we were young and it was all we had and it made for a good party house!

   The thing is it has to be the right grey in the right places that have some natural light and other colours around to sing out against the flatness of these dark surfaces.....and maybe not in every room and hallway?

I do like this embracing of black and grey and using it to it's true potential.  It adds some depth and almost a kind of texture to a room whilst doing the thing that grey does best,  letting other shades, tones and colours do their thing. x